Over many years in the training sector, I saw the same problem time and time again.

So many learners kept falling at the first hurdle and dropping out of their courses.

I knew it wasn’t because the course content was beyond them.

It was because they lacked key life skills which were beyond the scope of the course.

Many struggled with low self-confidence and found it difficult to manage their home life.

Is it any wonder they couldn’t make it to the end?

I knew that if I could address these issues then more learners would be able to progress into training and work.

So I set up Something Positive Solutions to bridge this gap.

Kathy Dales,


We want to create a world where each learner is treated as a whole person, not just a problem, a statistic or a box-ticking opportunity.


We are a non-profit, community interest company (CIC) based in Hartlepool and our mission is to empower individuals and their families to become the best versions of themselves; to exceed their own expectations and reach their full potential.