We think everyone should have access to treatments that help improve their quality of life.

But sometimes they can be too expensive.
Sometimes the strange, exotic names of the treatments can be off-putting.
So we’ve made our treatments affordable.
And we tell you what they are in terms everyone can understand.
No fluff, no guff.
Just good stuff.


Reiki (pronounced Ray-KEE) is a form of energy therapy from Japan.

Imagine your body’s energy is water moving through a hosepipe.  If there’s a twist in the pipe, the water gets stuck.  Reiki is like untwisting the hose so your natural energy can flow freely.  

Each session lasts around 45 minutes, during which we use gentle movements and touch to help ease tension and blockages.  This can help your body and mind to heal itself and relieve some of the symptoms of a range of emotional and physical ailments, including insomnia, anxiety, stress and depression.  

Price: £15 (45 mins)


Meditation means lots of different things to lots of people.

The word alone might conjure up images of monks wrapped in orange robes sitting silently in a cave in India.

Or you might have tried it once and given up in frustration after a few minutes of fidgeting.

Whatever your preconceptions or your level of experience, these guided sessions will introduce you to a range of practical techniques that have been helping people manage their minds and emotions ever since there were people with minds and emotions to manage.

Prices: £10 (1 hour) / £5 (30 mins)

As the name suggests, this treatment originated in India, where it has been used for over 2,000 years to promote health and wellbeing.

By working on pressure points in the neck, shoulders and head, this style of massage can relieve the symptoms of migraines and stress headaches.

It also improves the circulation of oxygen to the head, which helps to calm the mind, improve memory and boost energy levels.

Price: £10 (30 mins)

Indian Head Massage

Aromatherapy Facial

When we feel negative emotions we can often tense up around them.

This tension gets stored in the face muscles as scowls, frowns and other forms of tightness.

An aromatherapy facial helps to melt away this tension.

First we cleanse the face to remove any dirt or makeup, before applying a toner to close the pores and tighten the skin. Then we gently apply essential oils—lavender, rose or patchouli—and massage the face with a smooth crystal roller.

At the end of the session, you can choose an affirmation (a positive thought about yourself) which is helpful long after the session to help deal with stress-causing thoughts.

Price: £10 (30 mins)