Ladies Positivity Workshop (Tuesday, 13th February 2024)

Start time 10:00am till 12:00

We know it can be daunting…

…when you’re thinking of starting something new.
Especially if you’ve been out of action for a while.
Or if you’re just feeling cut off from the world.

That’s why we take it slowly and go at your pace.
We’re not in a rush to sign you up to a course just so we can tick a box.
We want you to get the most out of your time with us.

So we take our time to get to know you.
And for you to get to know us.

That way we can find out about your needs and what you’re hoping to get out of the course.
You’ll also have the chance to find out if what we offer is right for you.

They say the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
We say it starts with a cuppa.
So we pop the kettle on and take it from there.

Then once we’ve decided to go on this journey together…

...we’ll design a course to suit you.

Not everyone is ready to join our group sessions right away.

Some of us need a little time to work our way up to that.

And that’s OK.

So if that’s you, we’ll do some 1-to-1 sessions first.

In these sessions we’ll practice mindfulness and meditation to help build confidence and self esteem.

When you’re ready to join the group…

…we’ll meet for 2 hours, once a week for 4 weeks.

The groups will be limited to 8 people and over the course of the sessions you’ll do activities which help with:

  • setting boundaries

  • building confidence

  • expressing creativity

  • managing finances

  • exploring training and work opportunities

  • and finding your purpose in life!

Afterwards, it’s not “good-bye” it’s “see you later…”

When our 4 weeks are up, we’ll still be here for you.

We can point you in the direction of training and work opportunities.

Or onto other services that could be of help.

We also host weekly drop-in sessions, so you can pop in for a cuppa and a catch up and share your experiences with others who are taking positive steps forward in their life.

Interested? Here’s the details…

Dates & Times:
A new course will start each calendar month and run for
4 consecutive Mondays.

The start date varies from month to month but the times are as follows:

Women’s Group
Tuesdays 9.30—11.30

Men’s Group
Thurdsays 9.30-11.30

Hartlepower Hub
81 Stranton, Hartlepool.
TS24 7QT

Please note: to take part you must be a resident of Hartlepool and aged 19 or over.