• What's 'holistic' when it's at home?

    Simply put, holistic means ‘whole’.

    So our training addresses the whole person—body, mind and emotions.

    For example, if you’re growing vegetables in your garden and both your potatoes and tomatoes have got rot in the leaves, you might think of these as two separate problems.

    But the holistic way of thinking is to see them both as two interconnected parts of the whole (the garden).

    Now, you can’t see all parts of the garden because much of it is hidden under the surface, like the bacteria and fungus in the soil, but you can be sure that whatever is happening above the surface with your vegetables is connected to what’s happening in the soil.

    And this is like us human beings. We are one complete whole, with many interconnected parts. Some parts you can see, like our physical bodies, and some parts you can’t see, like our minds and emotions. And just as the soil affects the vegetables that grow in it, our minds and emotions affect our bodies and how we interact with the world.

    So holistic training will show you how all the different parts of yourself fit together so that you understand how to better manage your life and move forward with a sense of purpose, whatever path you take.